Zomwe zakhudzidwa ndi mliri wonenepa, adakakamizidwa kuti aletse kuyesa ndikugwirizana ndi akuluakulu aboma kuti apeze zigawo za acinec a acipesic a mliri. In the morning, researchers need to queue up for nearly 1 hour in the snowy weather of -30℃ for nucleic acid detection. Their clothes are covered with snowflakes, their faces are frozen and numb, their eyebrows are frozen and their hair is white, even their gloved hands feel frozen and numb.
heat pump model and non-heat pump model is compared with the standard Aeon V model. Pansi pa kutentha kwa -10 ℃, chowongolera cha mpweya chimakhazikitsanso kutentha, ndikuyamba pang'onopang'ono kuyerekezera michere yamtunda wa misewu yamiyala ndi misewu yothamanga pa 1: 1.
Pa Mobei Highway, yomwe yakhala yozizira kwa masiku awiri otsatizana, msewuwo ndi theka la mita ndi chipale chofewa, kotero galimoto siyingayake kudutsa mgalimoto, kenako imatha kutembenuka ndi makilo a witi.
Gulu loyeserera likufunika kuyendetsa kwa maola atatu tsiku lililonse ndi ku Arctic m'mudzi wa Arctic, ndipo gwiritsani ntchito kutentha kwambiri kapena njira yodyetsa yoyendetsa kapena njira yothandizira kuwongolera. Kutentha mkati mwagalimoto kumafika pa kutentha koyambirira, udzasinthidwa kuti uzitha kuyendetsa bwino galimoto ndipo kuwongolera mphamvu zambiri komanso kukwaniritsa zofunikira kwambiri.
Email:dflqali@dflzm.com lixuan@dflzm.com admin@dflzm-forthing.com
Adilesi: 286, Pikani Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi, China
Post Nthawi: Jan-06-2023