Munich, Dongfeng akubweranso!
Pa Okutobala 17, Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor ndi Alibaba International Station Inter yamagetsi yamagetsi ya Germany (Endove 360 Europe) This is Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile's renewed focus on the European auto market after the IAA Mobility Auto Show in Munich in September this year. Mwa kukulitsa njira yakunja yakunja, ithandizanso kupanga kwachilengedwe kwatsopano kwa makampani ogulitsa magalimoto.
Pa Okutobala 17, anthu ankapita kudera la Dongfeng Bongxing ku Endove 360 ° Auto Comple ku Munich, Germany.
Pa Okutobala 17, nthawi yakomweko, Dongfeng Liuzhou mota, yomwe imayimira magetsi atsopano a ku Europe Show Show ku Munich mu Seputembara chaka chino.
Emove360 ° Europe 2023 Auto Showe
Dongfeng yowonetsera Hall "Digital Oonetsa"
Pa emoro 360 ° Read Realtional tsamba, nyumba ya Dongfeng ikukopa chidwi cha omvera ndi Screen Screen "yapadera". Through the digital large screen built on-site at Alibaba International Station, Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor not only completed a real-time live broadcast conference thousands of miles away, but also provided a convenient channel for the on-site audience. Help professional buyers at the exhibition site to understand Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile's products and factories from multiple dimensions, connect with domestic professional sales staff in real time with one click, and answer and interact with them online.
Ogula akatswiri amapita ku Dongfeng akupanga magetsi achisanu
Kubwezeretsa kwa Munich kuli mchitidwe wina wopambana wa Dongfeng Liuzhou Watlation "Digital yowonetsera". It is also an in-depth exploration of Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Group and Alibaba International Station to jointly create a digital foreign trade overseas method.
M'tsogolomu, Dongfeng Liuzhou mota apitiliza kulumikiza misika yakunyumba ndi yanzeru mu digito komanso mwanzeru, kupanga zopanga ku China "
Post Nthawi: Oct-30-2023