Madzulo a 16th, mwambo wotumiza magalimotowo unachitikira mu likulu lopanga magalimoto a Liuffeng liuzhou galimoto. 70 units of Forthing S7 and Forthing V9 were fully loaded and ready for dispatching. Galimoto iliyonse idakhazikitsidwa ndi mawonekedwe okongoletsa ndi mawu oti "kukondwerera tsiku la 70 la kukhazikitsidwa kwa Dongfeng Liuzthou Liuzhou Paraim ya SIUZHOOGILE POPANDA CHINSINSI CHACHIWIRI.
Subsequently, in the warm applause of the audience, the starting command was officially given, and the fleet consisting of 70 units of Forthing S7 and Forthing V9 slowly drove out from the plaza of Liuzhou Automobile R&D Building, and the fleet slowly marched along the main streets of Liuzhou City.The fleet of vehicles complemented the stylish Liuzhou streetscape and became a Zowoneka bwino m'misewu ndi njira za liuzhou. Kuchokera kudera lamalonda kudera lamiyambo yazachilengedwe, malo aliwonse mphepo ndi nyanja idakopa chidwi chambiri.Cittizaties aima kuti ayang'anire, atuluke mafoni am'manja kuti ajambule mphindi ng'onozi, ndipo anthu ambiri adakondwerera zombo. Kulumikizana pakati pa zombo ndi anthu kumapangitsa chidwi ndi chithunzithunzi komanso chogwirizana, kuwonetsa momwe ziliri pakati pa liuzhou nzika ndi mtundu wagalimoto.
Monga sedan yoyamba ikuluikulu yamphamvu mu mphamvu yatsopano ya chiwonetsero, S7 imatengera lingaliro la "Madzi a 100km ndi 100km, omwe ndi mbiri yatsopano yamagalimoto ambiri. The intelligent voice interaction system, which can have a continuous conversation for 120 seconds, is able to accurately capture the driver's needs; in addition, the L2+ level intelligent driver assistance system with 17 active safety configurations accurately captures changes in the road conditions in a wide range of real-time, and provides drivers with an accurate and efficient driving experience.All-around safety protection for drivers.
As the first luxury new energy flagship MPV of Forthing, Forthing V9 combines extreme beauty design, extreme comfort, extreme wisdom technology, extreme power, extreme control, and extreme safety, and creates a full-scene intelligent travel program tailored for Chinese families.Its unique Chinese knot and green cloud ladder double front design combines traditional Chinese aesthetics with modern technology elements; the luxurious and spacious layout allows every passenger to enjoy a first-class riding experience; Ndipo mphamvu yamphamvu yomwe ili ndi Mach 1.5TD hybrid kwambiri komanso mtundu wautali kwambiri mu kalasi yake ndi 1,300km yophatikizika ya 1,300km iliyonse, ipange ulendo uliwonse wodzaza ndi chidaliro ndi ufulu wathunthu.
Ntchito yayikulu kwambiri open attitude, meet the challenges and opportunities in the future, and write a new chapter of the automobile industry.
Adilesi: 286, Pikani Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi, China
Post Nthawi: Dis-12-2024